CS-Script 3.27.0

"Type sharing" pattern

"Type sharing" pattern represents the most common execution scenario. According to this pattern the host application (host) and the script have some knowledge about each other. Such knowledge is expressed in ability to pass and handle run-time objects between the host and the script in one or both directions.

During script execution the host application compiles the script into assembly on fly, loads it and calls some public method(s) of the script. This is what distinguishes this execution pattern from "isolated execution" where static void Main() is always called.

The script engine class library (CSScriptLibrary.dll) provides two classes to assist with the script hosting:


Implementation of the "type sharing" pattern can be as simple as two lines of code:

Array dataList= ...
Assembly script = CSScript.Load("scripts/comparer.cs", null, true); 
IComparer customComparer = (IComparer) script.CreateInstance("DataComparer");
Array.Sort(dataList, customComparer);


AppData data = ...
AppDataEx newData;
AsmHelper script = new AsmHelper(CSScript.Load("scripts/datamap.cs")); 
newData = (AppDataEx)script.Invoke("DataMapper.Remap", data);

But of course the complexity may vary depending on a particular development task.

The execution flow for "type sharing" scenario is not different to any other case when an external assembly is dynamically loaded and it's methods are called. The key difference is that such assembly is created on fly from the script file. That is why execution of script shares the same logical constrains as the execution of any dynamically loaded assemblies.

Such constrains are:

Again, these constrains are not specific to the CS-Script but rather inherited from the nature of interaction between any dynamically loaded assemblies with the client application under CLR.


In This Section

Passing "well-known" type between script and host   
Information about script execution, which involves passing objects of a primitive/GAC type between the script and the host application.

Passing custom type between script and host   
Information about script execution, which involves passing objects of a custom type between the script and the host application.

Dynamic assembly loading
Read about the ways of dynamic assembly loading. 

Simplified Hosting Model

Read about Simplified Hosting Model, which offers effortless  solution for script/assembly probing problems.