WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) is a generic
framework (first introduced in .NET3.0) for solving a wide range
of communication problems. Any C# script utilizing the WCF classes can
be executed by CS-Script as any other scripts.
WCF has signifficant overlaps with .NET Remoting, what is no surprise
as WCF programming model unifies Web Services, .NET Remoting,
Distributed Transactions, and Message Queues into a single
Service-oriented programming model.
From this prospective C# scripts using WCF functionality are organised very similar to the
.NET Remoting scripts.
The samples below are from the CS-Script samples library (
Script Library).
Servive (
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
namespace HelloService
class program
static void Main(string[] args)
Uri baseUri = new Uri("http://localhost/hello");
ServiceHost hService = new ServiceHost(typeof(HelloService), baseUri);
hService.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(HelloService), new BasicHttpBinding(), baseUri);
Console.WriteLine("Service started...");
class HelloService
string SayHello()
return ("Hello!");
} |
Service config file (
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<service name="HelloService.HelloService" behaviorConfiguration="HelloService.HelloService" |
Client (
//css_prescript wsdl(http://localhost/hello?wsdl, HelloService, /new);
//css_include HelloService;
using System;
using System.Xml;
namespace HelloClient
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
HelloService p = new HelloService();
} |
The major difference between WCF and Remoting scripts is the usage of the
script.config file. It is an equivalent of
app.config file but for the script applications. In order to process script config files the script engine has to be executed with
/sconfig parameter (script engine alway uses this paremeter by default).
The code is trivial and of course it does not demonstrates all aspects
of WCF programming model. It implements WCF service HelloService
fclient application accesses the service and excercises it's method
Interestingly client.cs uses MS wsdl.exe utility to is capable of
producing C# file (proxy) implementing the type exposed by the WCF
service (HelloClient). CS-Script can prepare such file as a script
pre-execution step, so you do not need to do mit manually. This is
exactly what the code below does:
//css_prescript wsdl(http://localhost/hello?wsdl, HelloService, /new); |
And after the file with proxy class (
HelloService.cs) is prepared it is referenced by the client script as any other C# file:
//css_include HelloService; |
See Also
Script Library |
.NET Remoting scripts |
Pre- and Post-execution scripts